Hope Restored

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life | Proverbs 13:12

Rejoice in the God of hope!

Many have been grappling with disappointment and hope deferred as they reflect on the heartaches and unexpected twists that this past year has brought forth. Anxiety is trying to rest upon many people as the year 2017 rapidly begins to approach us. There is question pushing heavily on their hearts: the question that dares to ask, “what’s next?” Yet, amidst the chaos and confusion, a voice pierces the darkness. It is saying, “Shake off the dust of past disappointments from this previous season. It is a new day, and hope is being restored.”


I hear the Lord saying, “Do not look to the former, for behold, I do a new thing (Isaiah 43:19).”  Trust and perseverance are being cultivated inside the hearts of those who have continued to pursue the Lord, even through the intense circumstances and refiner’s fire. Abraham believed in the Lord’s promises, even when things did not seem to line up in the natural. Even so, God was faithful to His word, and Abraham received his promised child. Even though things may appear to be ‘dead’ in the natural realm, know that God has not forgotten you. He is faithful to bring about all that He has spoken to you, just as He was with Abraham.

I believe that there will be many ‘suddenly’ moments in the upcoming days. These times will surprise God’s people and bring a spirit of rejoicing as we enter into the new year. For “blessed are those whose strength is in You, [Lord], whose hearts are set on pilgrimage” (Psalm 84:5). As you have laid things on the alter and have continued to make the Lord your heart’s highest desire, He is going to reward your faithfulness!

Refreshing rivers of hope and new strength are being poured out as you continue to fix your eyes on the Lord! Do not be discouraged by how things may appear on the outside, for He alone is the God of the impossible. Nothing is too difficult for the Lord!

Our God is releasing a fresh joy in this season, and it will refresh and revive you. Let go of past disappointments and trust the good work that the Father is doing in you. The Lord has been working all along; not one tear has been wasted or escaped His notice. He is the God that works all things together for your good, for He weaves a pattern of goodness through the very things that have caused you the most distress.

Look expectantly as we enter into a new year, and watch how the Lord surprises you! He is a good Father, and in Him, we have the hope of a good future (Jeremiah 29:11).

2 thoughts on “Hope Restored

  1. Thank you so much Mrs Angie!! God is really doing amazing things through you!! I so needed this today! God’s timing is amazing!

  2. Dear Angie , I have really being enjoying your words, they have been inspirational, last year was difficult, but this year has started off with turmoil and chaos,, which never seems to come to an end. All we can do is trust and persevere, God is in control.

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