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Love and Legacy: A Tribute to Women

“Understand, therefore, that the LORD your God is indeed God. He is the faithful God who keeps his covenant for a thousand generations and lavishes his unfailing love on those who love him and obey his commands.”

Deuteronomy 7:9

As we look forward to the fullness of this bountiful year of our Lord, let us also recognize and be grateful for the mothers in our lives who, without them, could not have made this moment in time possible!

To the mother who is struggling to keep her head above the water and life has seemingly been one battle after another: God sees you and is with you! Even in your weariness, you continue to love and pour out. His strength is made perfect in your weakness. You are leaving a legacy!

To the mother who feels unseen and valueless: like Hagar, the Lord sees you and His love is pursuing you! Even amidst your heartaches, you are making a difference. You are leaving a legacy!

To the mother who is currently thriving and in a season of victory: we celebrate with you! Your love and your life are making more of a difference than you even know. You are leaving a legacy!

To the mother who has suffered much loss and brokenness in her own relationships: even amidst her very own pain and struggle, she continues to give what she, herself, has longed for but never received. Know this: your healing will spring forth and God will restore your soul. Your very tears of intercession have been watering and fertilizing the ground for breakthrough! Keep loving even when it hurts. Indeed, you are leaving a legacy!

To the precious woman who has longed for children of her own, yet has suffered barrenness: the Lord sees you and looks tenderly upon you! You have and will continue to invest in the lives of those that the Lord has strategically placed in your path. You are leaving a legacy!

To the mother who finds herself with a quiet house because the nest is now empty: though your season looks different than it once did, you are continuing to sow and impart to the next generation. You are leaving a legacy!

To the grandmother who has raised their own children and now are helping to equip and nurture their children’s children: well done! Your love is impacting lives and you are leaving a legacy!

To all the daughters of God: you are precious, loved and celebrated! You display the heart of God in a way that only you can. The love that you give, hearts that you nurture, and compassion you extend to others leaves a legacy.

“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”

Numbers 6:24-26

To all women: we honor you on this special day. You are leaving a legacy!

Happy Mothers Day!

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